Here at New Leaf we offer an extensive menu of vitamins, minerals and nootropics in order to ensure you’re living your healthiest life. Balance your deficiencies, boost your immune system or look and feel younger — the options are yours. Whether you’re at home with the flu or just want to feel brand-new, we are here to provide the best possible options for a healthier, happier you.  


For many of us PTSD, depression and anxiety are among the daily challenges we face. Regular comfort and assistance from your special companion can be essential to your mental and emotional health, and an ESA letter may be required for housing or other situations. Learn  your rights and see if you qualify with one of our certified mental health professionals — this may be the option for you.


Living with disabilities can be challenging, and when additional help is needed you have options. Gain access to public spaces — work, fly and travel with ease, and the comfort of knowing the safety and assistance of your trained service dog will always be by your side.

Learn your rights and make an appointment to speak with one of our licensed medical professionals today.


A treatment for people of all ages and lifestyles — Botox provides visible improvement to various areas of the face. Smooth your wrinkles and fine lines to recapture that “fresh look”, or prevent them and stay as young as you feel.

Book a consultation with one of our experienced medical professionals now.


Weight management can be a challenge and we understand not all bodies are made the same. If traditional methods aren’t enough, our doctors can provide natural and medication-based regimens tailored to your body’s needs to ensure optimal results. 

Explore our options and book a consultation to find a solution that works for you.


Our bodies may be made of matter, but it’s energy that makes them function. The spiritual art of Reiki uses gentle touch and energy manipulation to heal, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and feelings of peace and well-being. Cleanse your body and mind with a simple, natural and safe method by booking an appointment with one of our experienced healers today.


Your body is a temple and should be treated as such. Practiced for thousands of years, Hot stone therapy is an ancient art that has been used to relieve tension, calm anxieties and aid in recovery from other various treatments. Heal your body and relax your mind by booking a session with one of our trained professionals today.


If you’re managing pain, have mental and physical issues or other medical conditions, pharmaceuticals may not always be the answer. We believe in the powers of alternative medicine and when life presents obstacles mother nature might have your solution. Schedule a consultation with one of our licensed medical professionals today and find the right answer for you.