With the busy schedules that so many of us today have, it can be hard to always eat the right nutritious meals and fit in enough exercise to ensure our bodies maintain a healthy weight. Stress, unexpected life events, or holidays can make us fall out of a balanced routine and into habits that are hard to break from. If you feel like you’re falling behind and normal avenues of getting back in shape aren’t working for you, we understand. Our friendly team of educated staff are here to ensure you’re on the right path towards beauty, wellness and a happier healthier you.

Here at New Leaf we have several options to get you back on track when diet and exercise simply aren't cutting it. Be examined by one of our knowledgable doctors and find out how you can shed those pounds with vitamins and supplements, or discover the benefits of one of our medicated weight loss programs. Explore our array of affordable options both supplemental and medicated. Then let us help you utilize one or more of them to get in shape and healthy.

Low Dose Naltrexone

One of the options we offer is a clinically-proven and FDA approved prescription of low dose naltrexone. This is a safe and effective way to chemically counteract tendencies to overeat by curbing cravings, disincentivizing binges, and regulating mood. Also used for those with addiction issues, this medicine works by blocking opioid receptors in the brain, reducing hunger and the feelings of reward associated with food. It also improves insulin sensitivity which stabilizes blood sugar, preventing crashes and unhealthy cravings. This makes it much easier for patients to control impulsive eating and ingest fewer calories, while still feeling satisfied and energized. Naltrexone is typically administered as a monthly regimen where it is taken daily.

Vitamins & Supplement Plans

Sometimes the right approach is not a one-size-fits-all method, but something more personalized to you and your needs. The team here at New Leaf is happy to discuss your diet and habits to work with you and make a targeted, specific supplemental regimen to help you and your body make the progress you’re looking for. Be it monthly IVs, weekly injections, or something more unique, we are happy to find the right solution for you!

Lipotropic Injections

A great many factors play into the way our bodies break down foods and how we are able to utilize them. Even when we produce or ingest the necessary nutrients, sometimes there are imbalances and deficiencies that affect these basic functions. A great way to target these problems and promote weight loss is by supplementing important nutrients to encourage the healthy processes within our bodies (especially aging ones)!

We offer several popular stacked blends of vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients which are very popular for their effectiveness in boosting energy, burning calories, and supporting metabolism from many angles. Lipo-B contains B-12 and MIC which work together in tandem to burn fat, break down sugars and other carbs, and produce energy. Lipo-C combines MIC, B-complex and L-Carnitine for additional support. These blends also have a variety of other benefits- regulating appetite, supporting immunity, aiding muscles in exercise recovery, blood cell production, skin & hair health, and more!


  • Book an appointment online or walk in directly.

  • Have a doctor help you understand your body type.

  • Monthly visits to track your progress.

  • Any medications will be prescribed after your physical examination.